
About FindersPage

FindersPage is a world wide dynamic community platform where individuals and brands network and market their distinctiveness. Our mission is to empower voices across various fields, fostering a supportive environment for growth and connection. With user-centric design, personalized content, and interactive features, we ensure an engaging experience for all. FindersPage is your partner in impactful networking and unique marketing—where every voice matters and every brand shines. 

FindersPage is a self service website. A user friendly, easy platform to use without any distractions, and drama free. We believe platforms are to be used to inspire and heal. Our mission is to give back by helping you save money. Everything will be verified before being published. This is not a competition or to boost your ego. Blogs are inspirational and positive. Politics and news will be prohibited. We are here to support each other and spread the love. We will continue to strive to better serve you and make a difference globally one day at a time.



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Brenda Pond

Meet the Founder/CEO